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We are seeking highly motivated, enthusiastic individuals interested in working at the intersection of genetics, neuroscience, environmental health, and psychiatry. We value interdisciplinary team science and work to cultivate a welcoming lab environment, where intellectual curiosity and the joy of discovery take center stage.
- If you are interested in a position as an undergraduate, research assistant, graduate student, MD/PhD student, or postdoc, please contact us!
- Also consider applying to the following programs at the University of Iowa:
- Graduating or recently graduated PhD students seeking postdoc: INSPIRE Fellowship
- Resident physicians seeking post-residency research: INSPIRE Fellowship
- College seniors or recent college grads: Post-Baccalaureate Research Internship for 1-2 year research experience
- Undergraduate students: Iowa Neuroscience Institute (INI) Summer Scholar Program for summer research
- High school students: Secondary Student Training Program for summer research